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HTML Formatting

HTML is used to create web pages.. It provides the set of markup tags to format the text and other elements on the webpages. I will explain some of the common HTML formatting tags and provide examples of how to use them.

HTML <b>, <strong> and <i> Elements

The "<b>" tag is used to make text bold, same “<strong>” is used to bold the text while the “<i>” tag is used to make text italic.

<!-- Example of <b>, <strong> and <i> -->
    <p>This is <b>bold</b> text.</p>
    <p>This is <strong>bold</strong> text with strong element.</p>
    <p>This is <i>italic</i> text.</p>

HTML <small> element

The HTML “<small>” tag is used for smaller text.

<p>This is <small>small</small> text.</p>

HTML <u> element

HTML “<u>” is used for underline the text.

<p>This is <u>underline</u> text.</p>

HTML <mark> element

The HTML “<mark>” element used to highlight or marked the text.

<p>This is <mark>highlightedc</mark> text.</p>

HTML <del> element

The HTML “<del>” element used to strike a line through deleted text.

<p>This is <del>pineapple</del> apple.</p>
Formatting TagDescription
<i>Italic text
<u>Underlined text
<strong>Strong text
<em>Emphasized text.
<sup>Superscript text.
<sub>Subscript text.
<del>Deleted text.
<ins>Inserted text
<mark>Highlighted tex.
<blockquote>Block quotation.
<code>Inline code.
<pre>Preformatted text.
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